Vierbeiner Plattform
What I did
Research, Conception, UX/UI
June 2021
Chronically overcrowded animal shelters are a problem that poses enormous challenges to animal shelters and animal welfare organizations. The previously permitted online trade in pets, which often has traumatic consequences for these animals, further exacerbates this problem.
The assignment was to develop a concept and a proposal for a national placement platform, with the aim of placing these animals faster and in a sustainable manner. For this purpose, it was primarily necessary to reach the target group, i.e. seekers, more effectively and to raise the visibility of the offers from animal shelters.
The resulting placement platform "Vierbeiner", is intended to simplify the search for a new pet for interested parties. With its use animal shelters can save costs and effort and the client benefits from this social engagement, which offers image building and the potential to increase their reach and thus generate more revenue.
The pets, who are waiting to find a new place, will thank "Vierbeiner".